

Talvi ei ole talvi ilman turhia valomaalauskuvia liikkuvasta autosta. Siihen kuuluu myös flunssa, tällä kertaa tosin koiran. Ylppäristressi siihen ei kuulu, ei, vaikka ehkä pitäisi. Olen liian laiska stressatakseni. Kyllä minä vielä paikkani maailmasta löydän.
(Sitäpaitsi: tässä on hyvä)

4 kommenttia:

  1. Well, in my city there is no Winter. What there is, is a period that we call in Portuguese of 'Estação Chuvosa' ('Rainy Season'). Currently, we are in this period. And, during this period, only rain occurs. Snow does not occur. Does not occur even hail, or frost. Then, seeing the Winter of Finland, I feel fascinated.

    1. Must get awfully boring if the seasons don't change at all. You should visit Lapland sometime, it's really beautiful there at this time of the year!

    2. You're right. The absence of seasons is very boring. And your suggestion of visiting Lapland, was duly noted. I long to visit Finland, as I wish to visit the United Kingdom. I am in love with London, although I never visited. I would live there, for sure.

    3. I've never been to UK either. I'm sure it's beautiful! There's so many places I'd wish to visit. I've actually been dreaming to go backpacking sometime, first Europe and then Asia. Will see.
